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Self-catering apartments from only £249* per week!
Find your holiday home-from-home with Endless Vacation Rentals’ choice of self-catering apartments in 100+ countries around the world. Get cosy with a studio, or share the value with family and friends, with multi-bedroom apartments sleeping up to 6 people.
Each resort boasts a range of amenities, with many offering on-site pools, restaurants, local services and so much more.
Self-catering gives you the chance to holiday at your own pace, explore local shops and markets to eat like a local – and treat yourself to meals out when you want.
Book online and receive immediate confirmation.
Term & conditions: Prices are for accommodation only and do not include travel, subject to availability and change. *Based on selected studios, within 90 days of travel. Visit their website for full terms and conditions
Any Questions? Call us on local/Int+44 (0) 1293 425000
Am I eligible to book with Touchdown | Travel Industry Services?
We are ATOL and ABTA bonded, so your holiday is protected - find out more. Rates are capacity controlled, subject to change, terms & conditions apply. We accept payment in Euros, for further terms & conditions, please click here!